Mini Tutorials
Quickies to get you started
Psst, I have a confession. A secret really. Lean in closer and I’ll whisper it to you. Are you ready?
Here it is … I’m an art geek. I’m constantly researching, practicing and using new art techniques even after 30+ years of selling my work and years of art & design schools.
Why? Because I ADORE learning new things and I hope you do too! Which is why I’m offering an insider peek into my drawing process with these FREE mini tutorials. So grab your pencils and raid your printer paper stash. Who knows? You might pick up a tip or trick to add to your current arting tools. Enjoy!
*I’m hoping to add new tutorials monthly so keep checking back!
Giraffe Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Sketch out the outline of your giraffe. (Use various reference materials if required.) Start by lightly shading the individual areas to establish the areas that will be the darkest.
Tip: I use an H pencil for the lighter shading and CONTINUE TUTORIAL …
Elephant Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Sketch out the outline of your elephant. (Use various reference materials if required.) Start by lightly shading the individual areas to establish the areas that will be the darkest.
Tip: I use an H pencil for the lighter shading and CONTINUE TUTORIAL …